We need to talk about the broken link betwen physical and mental health care.
Queerness and its articulation are not static but dynamic; not homogenous, but diverse. Queerness is “liberation from” rather than “bondage to” fixed ideas—the latter would undeniably be a form of violence.
Reimagining red and green flags in the context of queer intimate relationships
Agency, Choice and Rights in Psychiatric Medication
Written with Ganga Nair
​By negatively judging and sneering at the quality of this work, we are saying that only those who have the privilege of articulate expression and creating aesthetically pleasing videos should be allowed to express themselves in the public domain.
If we told you that you had seven days where there were no rules with regards to your gender, no rules to tell you how a person belonging to your gender should or should not behave, what would you do?
Simply asking people to talk is not enough because there aren’t enough people listening. This is not just about professional services for mental health. But our everyday conversations.